2021-07-26-Oshkosh-EAA-AirVenture: Oshkosh AirVenture returned in 2021, bigger and better than ever! History will prove that 2020 was COVID-STUPID-CANCELLED! Gary Schultz graciously offered me a ride from Colorado to Oshkosh in his Cherokee-180, N6642J, and a place to stay... a house with a pool out in the country, near FISKE (Fisk) intersection on the VFR approach to Oshkosh. We had a truck for local transportation to and from Oshkosh and since Gary and I both volunteer at AirVenture, we had parking passes. Our local Northern Colorado EAA Chapter 515 organized a group campsite and that was fully subscribed within hours of Scott Flugum offering to organize it again. Since we had transportation, we enjoyed breakfasts off-site at Perkins and dinners at Pizza Ranch (Gary's favorite Pizza Ranch in Loveland closed, so that was a target). We also enjoyed "Wendt's on the Lake", for a Wisconsin fish fry... Walleye! Outbound from Colorado we stopped at Wayne Airport (KLGC), Nebraska for fuel and lunch. It has new concrete runway and taxiways. We also stopped at Portage Airport (C47), Wisconsin, a few miles short of Green Lake, Ripon and Fisk on the approach to Oshkosh. On the return flight the air was smoky and hazy, so we turned SW and landed at Vinton Veterans Memorial Airpark (KVTI), which had a HUGE agricultural spray operation going with tow HUGE turbine AirTractor spray planes. We also stopped at Yankton (KYKN) and Sidney (KSNY) before arriving home at Northern Colorado Regional Airport (KFNL), Colorado. 08/02/21.
Welcome home: USAF Thunderbirds at KFNL, 1, 07/28/21 | Welcome home: USAF Thunderbirds at KFNL, 2, 07/28/21 | Welcome home: USAF Thunderbirds at KFNL, 3, 07/28/21 |
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