2018-05-28-Memorial-Day-Reed-1CD1-flyin: 10th Annual Memorial Day Flyin at Reed International Airport (1CD1). Several airplanes flew in for the free pancake breakfast, sausage, coffee, orange juice and treats! My partners flew in with my Cessna 206 and Cessna 140, so I drove. The Reed Family hosts their flyin on Memorial Day weekend, invitation only, as it is a private airport, with special noise abatement and operating procedures. 05/28/18.
Flyby, 1, 05/28/18 | Flyby, 2, 05/28/18 | Perry, practicing after the flyin, 05/28/18 | Giraffe statue on the road back to town, 05/28/18 | Nesting Eagle pair N of Fort Collins, 05/28/18 |
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