2016-11-20-Bonanza-N4759M-Steamboat: Steamboat Springs Airport (KSBS), Colorado, hosted a flyin pancake breakfast to celebrate a new airport manager and the re-opening of their airport with no landing or ramp fees. So, Larry, Carl and Jer/ flew up for the morning. It was a windy day, and we saw 95 knot ground speeds westbound, but also experienced 200 know ground speeds eastbound. 11/20/16.
Larry's Bonanza at Steamboat Springs, 11/20/16 | Jer/ with the Bonanza, 1, 11/20/16 | Jer/ with the Bonanza, 2, 11/20/16 | Steamboat Springs FBO, 1, 11/20/16 | Steamboat Springs FBO, 2, 11/20/16 |
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