2016-08-07-Lake-Powell-Houseboat: Lake Powell Houseboat trip on WildWind II, 08/07/16-08/14/16. Water was warm, in the upper 80s. We stayed close to Bullfrog Basin, Halls Bay and Moqui Canyon, and explored the nearby canyons. Small crew this time, 3 of us, Jer/, Perry and Alan. The ski boat Raven was great for touring. Yet, as the water level is down ~80 feet from max pool, many of the canyons get small, so jet skis can go further up the canyons to the "top of the water" than the ski boat. Great food, great company!
Open movie 20160807-mvi-3229.mov | ||||||
Anasazi Restaurant, server Shannon, great service, 08/07/16 | Movie pan from Anasazi Restaurant, 08/07/16 | MMMM, bacon, 08/09/16 | Mooring rock, 08/09/16 | Road runner (black, mid-frame), 08/09/16 |
WildWind, looking aft, Perry surveying the water, 08/11/16 | Grill on front deck, 08/11/16 | Anchors and posts, 08/11/16 | New rock spall, 1, 08/11/16 | New rock spall, 2, closeup 08/11/16 |
Raven tied onto WildWind, 1, 08/11/16 | Raven tied onto WildWind, 2, 08/11/16 | Starboard mooring lines, 1, 08/11/16 | Starboard mooring lines, 2, 08/11/16 | Courtesy dock at Halls Crossing Marina, 08/11/16 |
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WildWind departing Moqui Canyon, 08/13/16 | Dinner table by Jenny, 07/16/09 | Ducks near WildWind Buoy, 08/14/16 | 360 degree pan at the Wildwind Buoy, 08/14/16 | Trip Log, 1 of 3, 08/14/16 |
Trip Log, 2 of 3, 08/14/16 | Trip Log, 3 of 3, 08/14/16 | Checklist, 1 of 2, 08/14/16 | Checklist, 2 of 2, 08/14/16 |
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