CAP-WGFA-GLI12-NM: Civil Air Patrol, New Mexico Wing Cadet Glider Academy 06/30/12-07/07/12 at Soaring Society of America (SSA), Hobbs Industrial Airport, NM. Airport ID: NM83. As I left the fires at Fort Collins, CO and drove south, I took several pictures of the smoke west of Colorado Springs, CO.
Cadet pool time, 1. The seniors had a nap. 07/04/12. | Cadet pool time, 2, 07/04/12. | Cadet pool time, 3, 07/04/12. | Cadet pool time, 4, 07/04/12. | Cadet pool time, 5, 07/04/12. |
ASK-21 holding for hookup before launch, 07/07/12. | ASK-21 takeoff, 1, 07/07/12. | ASK-21 takeoff, 2, 07/07/12. | ASK-21 takeoff, 3, 07/07/12. |
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