Pictures/slide show after the report.
(Scroll down to get to the pictures immediately).
Subject: AirVenture 2010, Oshkosh, Wisconsin report
AirVenture 2010 dates: July 26 - August 1 (Mon-Sun).
Ah! AirVenture at Oshkosh... it was the best of times, it was the
wettest of times. Apparently it had been raining for the past 3
weeks in the midwest, and Wisconsin was very wet. Normally, around
northern Wisconsin it is dry for a week, then it rains hard for a
day or two. When it quits raining, the water soaks in and drains
away over the next three days. However, at this time, since the
ground was already saturated, the water was not draining away. A
lot of fields, and specifically the grounds at Oshkosh had standing
The trip: We departed Fort Collins - Loveland Airport, Loveland,
Colorado (FNL) at 0815MDT on Friday, 07/23/10, on an IFR flight
plan, enroute to Juneau, Wisconsin (UNU), the rallying point for
"Cessnas 2 Oshkosh" (C2O).
The approximate 1/2 way point (about 3 hours out in the Cessna Turbo
210, N2011S) is Yankton, South Dakota (YKN). We planned FNL to YKN
for fuel and lunch, then on to UNU.
The YKN FBO has fabulous service, provided by the Carlsons, Gary and
Katie. Carlson Aviation has a fuel discount for Oshkosh Bound
flyers... and free lunch and drinks. They even gave out Carlson
Aviation t-shirts to wear around Oshkosh! For lunch in 2009, they
had "Taverns", which are sloppy joes. In 2010 it was huge hotdogs.
Maybe BBQ for 2011????
Carlson Aviation Phone: (605) 665-1460 (available 24 hours)
700 East 31st Street Fax: (605) 665-1628
Yankton, SD 57078 USA
Email: carlsonaviation@hotmail.com
Website: http://carlsonaviation.com
Arrival on Friday at UNU was hot and muggy. There were about 30
Cessnas on the ground at UNU. We got an A #1 parking place close to
the FBO and close to the fueling ramp... see pictures.
While airborne, I had spent quite some time entering the two C2O
Oshkosh C210 arrivals for RWY 36 and RWY 27 into the Garmin 430 as
waypoints and flight plans. Ready to go! Upon arrival at UNU,
there was a C2O briefing sheet that the FAA decided that the special
C210 arrival was too complicated, and all the Cessnas would do the
same arrival path and process, al-be-it at different speeds.
Saturday morning, two Canadian airplanes arrived. Their C2O
formation training class had been cancelled. Fortunately Steve
Wolf, one of the trainers, and I, one of the instructors were
available, so we did the ground school and the training flight for
our Canadian pilots.
Saturday afternoon we were to do the C2O flight. Unfortunately, the
ground was too wet and Oshkosh was not accepting arrivals that did
not have paved parking preplanned/prepaid. So... C2O called Oshkosh
tower to see if we could do a fly-by to help their traffic count.
They said yes! We briefed the flight... about 34 minutes
UNU-OSH-UNU and did a fly-by at 1000 AGL. Perfect! Usually, you
"arrive" at Oshkosh, but have no idea what it looks like from the
air. This time, since we got to do the fly-by, I have pictures...
Oshkosh was wet and empty. When the flight arrived back at Juneau,
during debrief we agreed to do the fly-by again, daily, until they
let us land. Since we did not get to Oshkosh for our catered
supper, it came to us in Juneau.
Sunday morning Oshkosh said "no arrival today, maybe Monday", so we
proceeded with the fly-by plan. Briefing time came and went, and
Oshkosh said "maybe not Monday for your arrival". Time for another
plan! We decided that we would abandon the fly-by and move C2O base
camp from Juneau to Oshkosh. That was negotiated... "be on the bus
at 3PM with your stuff, we are moving to Oshkosh, they have a place
reserved for us on the North 40". C2O also rented a truck to
transport an amazing amount of base camp/camping gear. We arrived
at Oshkosh and had our catered supper on-site. Yum!
Monday was the first day of the official AirVenture. I attended
some forums, an FAA Wings briefing and walked all the vendor
buildings. Found a great slogan on a pink shirt: "Girls need a
Flight Plan, not Fairy Tales". How true! During the airshow I
volunteered for flightline safety. They gave me a motor scooter and
a safety vest and I got to patrol the flightline from taxiway "P" to
AeroShell Square. The crowd was well mannered, as we always are at
Monday evening, the band Chicago played a concert on AeroShell
Square. Yes, they were as good as I remember from my youth. :-)
After the concert, the movie at "Fly-In Theater" was Avatar.
Tuesday morning I went to the EAA Museum. Wally Funk was there
giving a briefing in a room that would hold 200 people. There were
only 9 of us, so we got some really close personal question and
answer time with her after her briefing/story. She is one of the
gals that signed up to be astronauts in the '60s. There were the
Mercury 7 astronauts. Wally was in the group "Women in Space", now
known as the "The Mercury 13". But, she was not to fly... yet...
she has now completed the training to fly from Russia as a Cosmonaut
in the next few years.
Later that morning I attended a briefing by the son of Francis Gary
Powers, who told of the life and times of his father who went down
in Russia May 1, 1960. There was a traveling Francis Gary Powers
display in the Eagle Hangar. I posted several pictures.
Later that morning there was a briefing by Captain Tony Yule about
Captain John Cook, pilot of the Concorde that flew into Oshkosh in
1985, doing an unauthorized touch and go on RWY 36L. I was there
and have my pictures of that awesomely noisy touch and go. That
year they also did "supersonic flights" over Canada for about $400.
I wish I had gone on one!
Touring the flight line, I found the Civil Air Patrol display.
They had a Cessna T182T/G1000 on display. Maybe next year
I'll get to bring a CAP ASK-21 glider to display at Oshkosh!?!
Tuesday supper was with the Cessna Pilots Association (CPA), who is
one of the sponsors and coordinators of C2O, at the Oshkosh Hilton.
Great door prizes and drawings, wonderful food and libations! CPA
was on the upstairs patio deck with an excellent view of the airshow
and grounds at Oshkosh. Several pictures are presented. The
Bonanzas 2 Oshkosh (B2O) crowd was downstairs at the same time...
C2O had the better view. :-)
On Wednesday, 8AM my pilot Rick Rickert and I were packed up and on
the bus back to Juneau for an IFR flight back to FNL. It was an
ordeal to get an IFR clearance from Juneau because of all the
inbound traffic to OSH that was diverting to available airports.
Eventually we got a clearance and stopped once again at YKN for fuel
and food. Then, on to FNL.
That is my story of AirVenture 2010 at Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Here are the pictures:
Best regards,
Jer/ "Flight instruction and mountain flying are my vocations!"
Jer/ (Slash) Eberhard, Mountain Flying Aviation, LTD, Ft Collins, CO
CELL 970 231-6325 EMAIL jer'at'jerslash.net http://www.jerslash.net
C206/182/140 CFII Airplane&Glider, FAA-DEN FAASTeam Representative
CAP-CO Mission&Aircraft CheckPilot BM218 HAM N0FZD 325 Young Eagles!
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- Click on a picture to begin the slide show.
- Click Index, Prev or Next to maneuver.
- Click on a slide to see a larger picture, then "browser back" to return to the slide show.
Pictures/slide show after the report.
(Scroll down to get to the pictures immediately).
Subject: AirVenture 2010, Oshkosh, Wisconsin report
AirVenture 2010 dates: July 26 - August 1 (Mon-Sun).
Ah! AirVenture at Oshkosh... it was the best of times, it was the
wettest of times. Apparently it had been raining for the past 3
weeks in the midwest, and Wisconsin was very wet. Normally, around
northern Wisconsin it is dry for a week, then it rains hard for a
day or two. When it quits raining, the water soaks in and drains
away over the next three days. However, at this time, since the
ground was already saturated, the water was not draining away. A
lot of fields, and specifically the grounds at Oshkosh had standing
The trip: We departed Fort Collins - Loveland Airport, Loveland,
Colorado (FNL) at 0815MDT on Friday, 07/23/10, on an IFR flight
plan, enroute to Juneau, Wisconsin (UNU), the rallying point for
"Cessnas 2 Oshkosh" (C2O).
The approximate 1/2 way point (about 3 hours out in the Cessna Turbo
210, N2011S) is Yankton, South Dakota (YKN). We planned FNL to YKN
for fuel and lunch, then on to UNU.
The YKN FBO has fabulous service, provided by the Carlsons, Gary and
Katie. Carlson Aviation has a fuel discount for Oshkosh Bound
flyers... and free lunch and drinks. They even gave out Carlson
Aviation t-shirts to wear around Oshkosh! For lunch in 2009, they
had "Taverns", which are sloppy joes. In 2010 it was huge hotdogs.
Maybe BBQ for 2011????
Carlson Aviation Phone: (605) 665-1460 (available 24 hours)
700 East 31st Street Fax: (605) 665-1628
Yankton, SD 57078 USA
Email: carlsonaviation@hotmail.com
Website: http://carlsonaviation.com
Arrival on Friday at UNU was hot and muggy. There were about 30
Cessnas on the ground at UNU. We got an A #1 parking place close to
the FBO and close to the fueling ramp... see pictures.
While airborne, I had spent quite some time entering the two C2O
Oshkosh C210 arrivals for RWY 36 and RWY 27 into the Garmin 430 as
waypoints and flight plans. Ready to go! Upon arrival at UNU,
there was a C2O briefing sheet that the FAA decided that the special
C210 arrival was too complicated, and all the Cessnas would do the
same arrival path and process, al-be-it at different speeds.
Saturday morning, two Canadian airplanes arrived. Their C2O
formation training class had been cancelled. Fortunately Steve
Wolf, one of the trainers, and I, one of the instructors were
available, so we did the ground school and the training flight for
our Canadian pilots.
Saturday afternoon we were to do the C2O flight. Unfortunately, the
ground was too wet and Oshkosh was not accepting arrivals that did
not have paved parking preplanned/prepaid. So... C2O called Oshkosh
tower to see if we could do a fly-by to help their traffic count.
They said yes! We briefed the flight... about 34 minutes
UNU-OSH-UNU and did a fly-by at 1000 AGL. Perfect! Usually, you
"arrive" at Oshkosh, but have no idea what it looks like from the
air. This time, since we got to do the fly-by, I have pictures...
Oshkosh was wet and empty. When the flight arrived back at Juneau,
during debrief we agreed to do the fly-by again, daily, until they
let us land. Since we did not get to Oshkosh for our catered
supper, it came to us in Juneau.
Sunday morning Oshkosh said "no arrival today, maybe Monday", so we
proceeded with the fly-by plan. Briefing time came and went, and
Oshkosh said "maybe not Monday for your arrival". Time for another
plan! We decided that we would abandon the fly-by and move C2O base
camp from Juneau to Oshkosh. That was negotiated... "be on the bus
at 3PM with your stuff, we are moving to Oshkosh, they have a place
reserved for us on the North 40". C2O also rented a truck to
transport an amazing amount of base camp/camping gear. We arrived
at Oshkosh and had our catered supper on-site. Yum!
Monday was the first day of the official AirVenture. I attended
some forums, an FAA Wings briefing and walked all the vendor
buildings. Found a great slogan on a pink shirt: "Girls need a
Flight Plan, not Fairy Tales". How true! During the airshow I
volunteered for flightline safety. They gave me a motor scooter and
a safety vest and I got to patrol the flightline from taxiway "P" to
AeroShell Square. The crowd was well mannered, as we always are at
Monday evening, the band Chicago played a concert on AeroShell
Square. Yes, they were as good as I remember from my youth. :-)
After the concert, the movie at "Fly-In Theater" was Avatar.
Tuesday morning I went to the EAA Museum. Wally Funk was there
giving a briefing in a room that would hold 200 people. There were
only 9 of us, so we got some really close personal question and
answer time with her after her briefing/story. She is one of the
gals that signed up to be astronauts in the '60s. There were the
Mercury 7 astronauts. Wally was in the group "Women in Space", now
known as the "The Mercury 13". But, she was not to fly... yet...
she has now completed the training to fly from Russia as a Cosmonaut
in the next few years.
Later that morning I attended a briefing by the son of Francis Gary
Powers, who told of the life and times of his father who went down
in Russia May 1, 1960. There was a traveling Francis Gary Powers
display in the Eagle Hangar. I posted several pictures.
Later that morning there was a briefing by Captain Tony Yule about
Captain John Cook, pilot of the Concorde that flew into Oshkosh in
1985, doing an unauthorized touch and go on RWY 36L. I was there
and have my pictures of that awesomely noisy touch and go. That
year they also did "supersonic flights" over Canada for about $400.
I wish I had gone on one!
Touring the flight line, I found the Civil Air Patrol display.
They had a Cessna T182T/G1000 on display. Maybe next year
I'll get to bring a CAP ASK-21 glider to display at Oshkosh!?!
Tuesday supper was with the Cessna Pilots Association (CPA), who is
one of the sponsors and coordinators of C2O, at the Oshkosh Hilton.
Great door prizes and drawings, wonderful food and libations! CPA
was on the upstairs patio deck with an excellent view of the airshow
and grounds at Oshkosh. Several pictures are presented. The
Bonanzas 2 Oshkosh (B2O) crowd was downstairs at the same time...
C2O had the better view. :-)
On Wednesday, 8AM my pilot Rick Rickert and I were packed up and on
the bus back to Juneau for an IFR flight back to FNL. It was an
ordeal to get an IFR clearance from Juneau because of all the
inbound traffic to OSH that was diverting to available airports.
Eventually we got a clearance and stopped once again at YKN for fuel
and food. Then, on to FNL.
That is my story of AirVenture 2010 at Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Here are the pictures:
Best regards,
Jer/ "Flight instruction and mountain flying are my vocations!"
Jer/ (Slash) Eberhard, Mountain Flying Aviation, LTD, Ft Collins, CO
CELL 970 231-6325 EMAIL jer'at'jerslash.net http://www.jerslash.net
C206/182/140 CFII Airplane&Glider, FAA-DEN FAASTeam Representative
CAP-CO Mission&Aircraft CheckPilot BM218 HAM N0FZD 325 Young Eagles!
Directions to navigate the slide show:
- Click on a picture to begin the slide show.
- Click Index, Prev or Next to maneuver.
- Click on a slide to see a larger picture, then "browser back" to return to the slide show.
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"Smoke on". | Flyby. | "Duggy" the DC-3 at AeroShell Square. | Looking WSW onto AeroShell Square, DC-3 and others on display. | BD-5J with model. |
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We are #1 for departure, they are #2, N7568V is #3. | Windmills NE of Greeley, CO. | Looking SW, clouds obscuring the mountains west of FNL. | Home again, unloaded, remembering a great Oshkosh 2010! |
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